Formulation 4.1: Putting Digital into Formulation
- Dr Helen Ryder - Welcome
- Dr Chris Ness - Introduction to Session I
- Dr Mark Taylor, Centre for Process Integration - Digital in (CPI) Formulation
- Dr Breanndán Ó Conchúir, IBM Research - Making High Performance Computing Essential to the Formulation Industry
- Dr Maria Jimenez-Solomon and Ellen Piercy, Unilever - Formulator Superpowers
- Dr Wendy Niu - RSC - Introducing Digital Futures Report Summary
- Dr Sam Peel - Introduction to Session II
- Dr Alex Clark, Collaborative Drug Discovery (Canada) & Leah Rae McEwan, Cornell University/IUPAC - Mixtures: informatics for formulations and consumer products
- Dr Shyam Vyas, International Flavours and Fragrances - index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=776:form4p1-vyas&catid=253:form4p1
- Dr Tom Rodgers - Introduction to Session III
- Debra Fearnshaw and Dr Nicholas Watson, University of Nottingham - Connected Everything Network+ and Digital Technologies for Intelligent Process Monitoring
- Panel Discussion with speakers