Fundamentals of Solid Formulation-Understanding and Measurement 2014, was a one day meeting organised by the Formulation Science and Technology Group of the RSC.

The event will took place at Burlington House, London on: Tuesday 11 March 2014

The programme shared the latest research of leading scientists in understanding and designing the solid form for desired product formulation, focusing on recent advances in modelling theory and measurement technologies.  Topics covered included: predicting solid form, metastable states and product stability, advances in modelling and measurement, and the design of complex materials.

Many of the presentations are available click on the titles below.

09.00 Registration and Coffee

10.00 Opening Remarks - Patrick Mulqueen, Syngenta

Session One - Chair John Jones, BMS

10.10 Solid solutions - a method for tuning phase transformations
Dr Iain Oswald, University of Strathclyde

10.50 From Molecules to Clusters to Particles to Products:  the Case for Modelling
Dr Dimitrios Toroz, University of Leeds

11.25 From characterisation to design - how analysis directs materials discovery
Professor Ian Scowen, University of Bradford

12.00 Characterisation of complex organic molecules - new insights using molecular sorption probes
Dr Daryl Williams, Imperial College London

12.35 Lunch, networking and exhibition

Session Two - Chair Lyn Daintree, Crystecpharma

14.00 Synthonic Engineering: Towards the Molecular-Scale Design of Complex Particulate Materials
Professor Kevin Roberts, University of Leeds

14.45The role of powder diffraction in populating the crystal structure landscape: status and methods
Dr Kenneth Shankland, Reading University

15.20 Structural studies at the Salt-Cocrystal interface
Professor Chris Frampton, Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing, Brunel University

15.55 Tea

16.15 Secondary crystal nucleation: why do few crystal seeds cause widespread nucleation?
Professor Jamshed Anwar, Lancaster University

16.50 Thermodynamics and Kinetic Consideration of Solids State Behaviour for the Control of Agrochemical Process and Product Design
Dr Neil George, Syngenta UK

17.25 Concluding Remarks

17.30 Conference Ends